Master Builder
"The lighting inside by Alex Stevens includes moments at the end of each act, in which the face of the last speaker suddenly is frozen in a bluish light that fades a split second after the overall lights fade to black. That haunting effect stays with me, along with the glow of Pittsburgh’s castles in the air."

"Alex Stevens lighting design is a persistent addition that grows in drama with the production. The harsh, hot lights above the center of the ring are almost like a heat lamp glowing over incubating chicken eggs. This heat is a constant element that causes sweat to roll from the cast’s pores, most compelling in Thomas Constantine Moore’s final moment of decision."

White Rabbit, Red Rabbit
Although the show requires no director, talents at 12 Peers Theater — including artistic director Vince Ventura, stage manager Sara Fisher and lighting designer Alex Stevens — leave their marks with skillfully simple and effective production design.
2010 - present
2010 - present